
Jon - (Kate + 8) + 2 = SAC SLIP!!!!

Extra! Extra!   .... Extra SAC that is!

Well I don't have to tell YOU that the big news today was TLC's announcement that they'd be dropping Jon Gosselin from their hit show Jon and Kate Plus Eight. But the even bigger news is what Jon dropped out of his fly!!! Ed Hardy? More like Ed HARD-BOILED EGGS!!!!

We here at Sacslip would like to take this opportunity to let Jon know that while he may be a deadbeat dad, we're still routing for him. Because let's be honest folks- It's nearly impossible for him to help support those octuplets.... he's far too busy supporting those MEATY TWINS!!!!

We love it when we call him Big Poppa, and we love it when when we call this... a SAC SLIP!!!!

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